Guess what!!
I got some good news about the S__'s!
(An awesome family from my last area)
(An awesome family from my last area)
Things are working out and it looks like
they're going to get baptized soon!!
they're going to get baptized soon!!
Wahooooo! They are so awesome.
I'm super excited.
General Conference was super good and I love going back and reading the talks after. I really liked this from Elder Rasband. He said,
"Take heart, brothers and sisters. Yes, we live in perilous times, but as we stay on the covenant path, we need not fear. As you do so, you will not be troubled by the times in which we live or the troubles that come your way."That is just super true. If we are doing what's right by staying on the straight and narrow we don't need to worry about the craziness around us. I love it.
This week I got to go on exchanges in Hollywood with Elder Killian who is now a Russian speaking Elder! He is awesome and spending some time in Hollywood was fun too. Hollywood is a strange place lemme tell ya. Hijole. It was fun to be there for a day but I think I'll stick to nice and peaceful Palos Verdes for now. One thing that was fun about the exchange was actually English class. E Killian has been teaching English class for over 6 months so he's got it down. I took notes. It was so hilarious tho. Russians like their alcohol you know? So literally every time the students had to practice using a word in a sentence their sentence was about drinking.
E Killian: "Use the word Melancholy in a sentence."
Student: "ok. Last night I got way too drunk so today I feel melancholy."
E Killian: "Alright now use the word ecstatic in a sentence."
Student: "ok. Tonight I'm going to get drunk so I'm ecstatic."
Solid. Nicely done. Nicely done.
It was pretty hilarious.
Another fun experience this week happened in Elders quorum. The person teaching the lesson started off by sharing an experience he had with ministering. He said he has gotten to know his assigned families really well and they've devolved really close relationships. He said that because of that his families feel comfortable calling him and asking him for help any time they need it. And an experience with that happened this past week so he had to share it. He said one couple he ministers too is a bit elderly and can't move around too easily. One night the elderly brother was having back pain so his wife told him to take a hot bath. He did and his back was feeling better but when he finished his bath he realized his elderly body could no longer pick itself up and get out of the tub. So his wife called his ministering brother! He went went over and said he had a whale of a time trying to help this brother get out of the tub. I'm sure you can picture it. He said a slippery flabby dead weight is harder to move than you think. After multiple failed attempts they realized he was pretty well stuck in the tub. So the ministering brother called his son who is an EMT or something like that and he said he deals with this all the time. So he taught him the proper technique for getting a slippery flabby dead weight out of the tub. So they finally managed to get the elderly brother out of the tub. Yay! Go team. But that's not the fun part. With that story told the Elders quorum decided they needed to learn the proper technique for getting a slippery flabby dead weight out of a tub just in case this ever happened to them. So they needed someone to volunteer to be the slippery flabby dead weight. And I was voluntold to do it hahaha. Lucky me!
A member snapped a pick so you can see this wonderful experience.
Good times!
Have a great week!
-Elder Burgon
-Want another sunset pic? Cuz here's another sunset pic.
-The reenactment of the tub experience from above
-Some young men that we took out to do visits with us. They are crazy. They have their own band called S.n.a.k. (super [g] Narly Asian Kids) and apperently they are pretty good. They're on YouTube as Aidan Lam so you'll have to check them out and tell me how good they are.
-From our photo shoot this week