Monday, September 25, 2017


Hey friends and fam!! This week went sooo fast! Everything is just turning into a big blur. Time flies when you're having fun! I can't believe I've already been out on my mission for almost 6 weeks! It feels like just yesterday I was checking into the MTC. This week I had a really cool experience and the rest of the week was a ton of fun. I got to go on exchanges and see another part of my mission which was awesome and fast and testimony meeting yesterday was super cool and very entertaining.

My first cool experience of the week actually happened last monday right after we finished up p day. We were driving to an area where we were going to visit some less active members and see how they were doing. Normally we try to go to areas where members are kinda grouped together so we can get more done in less time. But this time we saw that a member was in an area where he was almost all alone. We felt prompted that we should go and give him a visit so we decided we would drop in and see how things were going. When we parked we checked LDS tools to see if he still lived there and he was no longer in LDS tools and normally when that happens it means they moved. So we assumed he probably moved and we were wondering if we should just move on and go visit other people. But we were wondering why we felt prompted to go visit him so we decided to go knock on the door anyway and see what would happen. We went up and knocked and a guy answered the door and just peaked his head out and we asked "Hey is this the R____ household?".  And he said "Yes!" and then shut the door... Ummm what? After a minute or two he came back and opened the door and was like "Elders! Come on in how are you doing? Sorry I closed the door on you I had to put some clothes on"...  *facepalm*  So we sat down and started talking to him and getting to know him. It turned out that it was the member we were looking for and that reason he wasn't in LDS tools anymore was because he had converted to Judaism. He ended up teaching us a little about what he believed and taught Elder Burns how to speak a little Hebrew. He was a really nice guy and still knew a lot about our church but just felt like it wasn't right for him. We were wrapping things up and were about to leave when someone came in through the door and was like "Who are you guys?" It turned out that a friend of the R____ family from Austria is living with them. Her name is S___ and she came in and sat down and was super curious about who we are and what we believe. We explained that we are missionaries and explained what we believe a little bit and she was very interested! We asked if we could meet with her again and she said yes and that she wanted to learn more. It was a super cool experience and me and Elder Burns were very happy that we decided to listen to our prompting and go visit that house. Since then we have done a lesson with S___ up on the temple grounds and it went super well. She is reading the Book of Mormon and studying the restoration pamphlet and is now one of our most solid investigators. When we called to follow up on her Book of Mormon reading she said she read what we asked her to plus it was so interesting that she has read even more!

Everyday me and Elder Burns pray that we will be guided to find the people who are ready to recieve the Gospel and I know that our heavenly father answers our prayers. It also reminded me once again how important it is to have the Holy Ghost in our lives and to follow its promptings. 

Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, 
"Worthy men and women who have the gift of the Holy Ghost can be edified and guided by inspiration and revelation. The Lord has declared that “the mysteries of his kingdom … are only to be seen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit, which God bestows on those who love him, and purify themselves before him” (D&C 76:114, 116). 
I know that as we strive to have the Holy Ghost in our lives and to listen to and act on its promptings that we will be guided to do the things that our Heavenly Father wants us to do. And as we do what we are supposed to do we will be happier in our everyday lives! 

Have a great week!

-Elder Burgon 

Monday, September 18, 2017


Hello everbody! 
This week has been another great one! 

We got some extremely exciting news this week. On Tuesday we had a special zone conference and President Haynie announced that we are now a Facebook mission! So now we can use facebook to help do missionary work :) It will be a super nice tool to help people fit visits with us into their busy schedules. Sometimes people don't have an hour or even a half hour for us to come by and meet with them but almost everyone can find time to hop on facebook and chat with us. We were able to use it the very first day we got it. We had an investigator who was about to stop meeting with us because she was just too busy and couldn't find the time to meet with us. But then we told her that we can use facebook now and we can chat with her whenever she is available and she really liked that! So she decided that she is going to continue meeting with us! It was so awesome!

This week there have been lots of fun dog encounters. One of our new investigators has a big pitbull named Shadow that LOVES Elder Burns! While we were at her house yesterday Shadow would not leave Elder Burns alone. By the time we left Elder Burns was covered in dog hair, had recieved lots of unwelcome dog kisses, and was covered in dirty paw prints. I was dying! On Saturday after dinner with some members we were walking back to our car and Elder Burns noticed that there was a dog on the sidewalk about a block away from us. We crossed the street and were walking down the other side road just to be safe. But when we were across the street from the dog it jumped up and started barking its head off and chasing us. Me and Elder Burns had to run back to our car but it was close so we made it back safe. 

Earlier I was reading some First Presidency messages from a while ago and there was this one that I really liked. It was from President Monson on following spiritual promptings. In it President Monson shared a story about a prompting he got to go visit an elderly lady at a senior center. He followed the prompting and went to visit her and they had a good visit. But while he was there he ran into the son of Gene Hemingway who was a counselor in a previous bishopric. He said that Gene was also in the senior center and had been calling President Monson's name. President Monson went to see Gene and he was able to meet up with him and talk to him. He was also able to give him a blessing of comfort to help him as he was struggling. President Monson left and then the next morning he got a call that informed him that Gene had passed away 20 minutes after he left. President Monson was very grateful that he recieved the prompting and was able to follow it. This just really showed me how important it is to be in tune with the spirit and to follow its promptings. I know that as we follow the promptings of the spirit we will be guided and directed and it will make us so much happier! 

Have a great week!

-Elder Burgon

And one last thing that was cool that happened this last week. When we were driving home from the zone conference we were driving through a part of Beverly Hills and we saw a Bugatti Veyron! :) I was able to get a picture of it so it will be down below. Me and Elder Burns were pretty pumped. It's in the window...look closely :)
Bugatti in the window...
Need a better shot????
California Sunset....
Sooo Amazing!!!
 Hi Elder Burns...
Hey Elder Burgon!
 Watts up....
The sky...
Epic PDay Zone Kickball Game...
only a few battle wounds...

Still Smiling!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2017


Hello everyone!

I'm in LA! The second I got off the plane there have been opportunities for missionary work. When I was in LAX one of the workers there came up to me and asked about the church! It was super cool! My first week has been awesome! There are tons of people in LA and holy cow I need to learn some Spanish! Almost everyone here speaks spanish.😂😂 

My companions name is Elder Burns and he has been out for about a year. He's from New Jersey and he's served in Compton for most of his mission so he has lots of fun stories to tell. My area is just west of downtown LA. Its the biggest area in the mission so there are plenty of people to talk to.😁 My area is way cool it ranges from pretty nice clean areas to some pretty sketchy ones. It's tons of fun to drive around and see all the different places. 

My first week has been a lot of fun. Me and Elder Burns are both new to the area so we are both trying to get to know the area and all the people. So far it's been a lot of getting to know recent converts and all the other members. I love getting to know people and hearing their stories. That's been very entertaining for sure. The people in the ward are super nice! Last week we had dinner at members homes 4 times and every time they've fed us hamburgers. It's been awesome! We'll see how long the streak continues. When me and Elder Burns have cooked it's been pretty interesting. There's tons of frozen seafood in our freezer that we have no idea how to cook so we've just been throwing everything on the stove and hoping for the best! So far we've had some scallops that turned out pretty good. We'll see how everything else goes. 😁

The last Sunday in the MTC I watched a devotional that Elder Holland gave and it was the best! In it he shared this part of the first vision from JST:

15 After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me, and had such an astonishing influence over me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.
He said that one of the biggest things that Satan can do to prevent the work from progressing is binding our tongues to keep us from sharing the gospel. He challenged us to do the exact opposite of that and open our mouths and share the gospel. I know that as we open our mouths and share the gospel we can bring so much happiness and joy to others! 

Have a great week! 

-Elder Burgon

President & Sister Haynie

Me & my comp E. Burns

A guy from Emily's mission that I ran into at the airport

Saying goodbye to the best MTC district

Saying hello to the BEST mission in the world!!!!